I teach and write about people and international politics
I research how people practice anticolonialism, transnational solidarities, and subversive knowledge-making.
I collaborate with many people to learn about world politics. My goal is to support working-class, incarcerated, and other underrepresented students as they share their knowledge and visions for a better world. With students, I learn from abolitionist, Indigenous, de/anticolonial, and transnational feminist thought/practice.
I teach courses on sociology, politics, human rights, transnational feminism, Black internationalism, the politics of Africa, social research, and transformative justice (in collaboration with incarcerated people at a maximum security prison).
photo: Yasmine Genena and Jonneke Koomen by Frank Miller

Current research & teaching projects
Angela Davis
image credit: Shephard Fairey's Angela Davis (Boston, MA) by takomabibelot
Thomas Sankara
recent writing
Lespiki mi: Respect for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in Suriname (with Carla Bakboord), In: Suriname: Land of Diversity, edited by Jack Menke (2024)
Land of the freed people in Africa is a Country 2022
International relations as if people matter in Journal of Narrative Politics 2021
(Most publications available at willamette.academia.edu/JonnekeKoomen or send me an email)